Load Balancer#
The CU Research Computing Load Balancer is an effective tool for optimally utilizing multiple processors and nodes on the CURC HPC resources, without the need to learn OpenMP or MPI. This document assumes user knowledge of Slurm jobs, shell scripting, and some python.
Why Use the Load Balancer?#
Suppose you have a very simple serial program that crops a photo, and you need to apply it to crop several million photos. You could rewrite the serial program into a parallel program that would utilize multiple processors to more quickly run the program over the entire set of photos (compared to doing one-at-a-time), but this would require some knowledge of parallel programming. Even worse, if your code is in a language that has limited parallelization capabilities, so this may not be an option. The easiest solution for this problem is to utilize the Load Balancer.
Using the Load Balancer#
The Load Balancer is a tool provided by CU Boulder Research Computing that allows shell commands (for example, calls to serial programs) to be distributed amongst nodes and cores on CURC clusters. This means code doesn’t need to be explicitly parallelized for MPI or OpenMP. Additionally, code can be written in any language that can be run from a Linux shell.
Let’s create a simple ‘Hello World’ serial python script to
demonstrate the Load Balancer tool. We will call the script
and it will print “Hello World from process: ”
followed by a command line argument:
import sys
print ("Hello World from process: ", sys.argv[1])
Now we will create a list of calls to the python script that will be distributed to multiple cores. (Each compute node has one or more discrete compute processor; most modern processors are made up of multiple compute “cores”, each of which can operate independently and simultaneously.)
Instead of slowly typing out commands one-at-a-time, we will use a
bash shell script to create our commands. In a text editor, create a
bash shell script called create_hello.sh
, that has the following
for i in {1..4}
echo "python hello_World.py $i;" >> lb_cmd_file
Next run the bash script by first changing permissions of the script
to be executable by typing: chmod +x create_hello.sh
and then by
typing: ./create_hello.sh
at the terminal prompt. It will create a
file called lb_cmd_file
that contains 4 calls to our
python3 hello_World.py 1;
python3 hello_World.py 2;
python3 hello_World.py 3;
python3 hello_World.py 4;
Now create a job script called run_hello.sh
that will run all instances of your python script in lb_cmd_file
with the Load Balancer. Within the script, in addition to specifying the loadbalance
module, we may need to load other software modules or an anaconda environment we previously built, in order to access whatever software we will be running with the Load Balancer. Your job script should look something like this:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time 00:02:00
#SBATCH --partition atesting
#SBATCH --qos testing
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --job-name lbPythonDemo
#SBATCH --output loadbalance.out
module purge
# Load the Load Balancer module *first*
module load loadbalance/0.2
# Now load any other software modules you need, e.g.:
# module load anaconda
# conda activate my_python_env
# now run your workflow!
$CURC_LB_BIN/mpirun lb lb_cmd_file
Running this script via sbatch run_hello.sh
will run the commands we stored in
lb_cmd_file in parallel. A successful job will result in output that
looks something like this:
Hello World from process: 2
Hello World from process: 1
Hello World from process: 4
Hello World from process: 3
The user must ensure they load the
module before loading any other modules.The user should invoke loadbalance with
$CURC_LB_BIN/mpirun lb your-command-file
as shown in the example above.The
module uses 1 core as a workflow manager. Therefore, if you request, e.g., 8 cores, the Load Balancer will employ 1 core to manage your workflow tasks across 7 cores.