Jobs application#
The Jobs application within Open OnDemand is the perfect tool for individuals who would prefer to use a graphical user interface (GUI) to submit and monitor jobs. Users have the ability to interact with both the Alpine and Blanca clusters with a few simple clicks. To access either of these tools, select the Jobs tab (pictured below). This provides the user with two options Active Jobs and Job Composer. Details for both of these options are provided in the subsections that follow.

Active Jobs#
The Active Jobs tool allows users to view any of their active jobs (or all jobs) for a specific cluster (or all clusters). A user can view jobs running on Alpine, Blanca, or Core (the cluster that Core Desktop and the MATLAB GUI run on) clusters. Additionally, users can cancel their jobs using this tool. To view currently running jobs, first select the Active Jobs tool, this will bring you to the interface pictured below. On the right-hand side, you will see a drop-down button that allows you to view all jobs on the specified cluster (determined by the furthest right button) or only your jobs. To cancel a running job, navigate to the job you would like to cancel and select the red delete button.

Job Composer#
Although interactive jobs can be extremely helpful, it is often the case that a user would rather submit their job to a cluster where it can run whenever the resources are available. This is accomplished through Batch Jobs and Job Scripting. To provide a simple interface for creating batch jobs and jobs scripting, we include the Job Composer tool. This tool allows users to modify and create job scripts, schedule jobs, and manage these jobs all in one central location. To create a job, navigate to the Job Composer tool and select New Job. When first getting started, it is easiest to select From Default Template, which will construct a template job with a default name and submit script (job script). Once a new job has been selected, a user can modify the job to their liking by navigating the provided interface. Below we provide a graphic that highlights some of the key features users may be interested in.

Be sure to select the appropriate cluster when creating a job. Additionally, caution should be taken when selecting the delete button. The delete button will remove the entire directory created for the job. In the example provided above, this means that /projects/
would be completely deleted.
For more resources on utilizing the provided tool, see OSC’s Job Management help page.