RStudio Server#

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It can be an extremely useful tool when developing and running R code. It allows users to navigate the filesystem, edit and run code, view plots, and much more all in the same place. In Open OnDemand we allow users to easily access this functionality using the RStudio Server application. Furthermore, each RStudio session is launched from a container, which allows users to customize it to their needs. For more information on customizing your container, see Installing dependencies for RStudio Server below.


Launching a RStudio Server#

  1. Navigate to either the Interactive Apps or My Interactive Sessions tab and select RStudio Server.

  2. Select the RStudio version you would like to launch the application with.

  1. Specify a “Configuration type” and select the resources you would like to use. For more information on this functionality see Configuring Open OnDemand interactive applications.

  2. When your RStudio session is ready, you can click the “Connect to RStudio Server” button to bring up a web page with the RStudio IDE.

  1. After connecting to RStudio Server, you should then be able to utilize RStudio as if it were on your own computer!

  2. To shut down an RStudio server, go to the “File” menu at the top and choose “Quit session…”. Shutting down the server or closing the window will not terminate the job, you can use the “My Interactive Sessions” tab to view all open interactive sessions and terminate them.


  • Packages installed in the RStudio Server application are placed in /projects/$USER/Rstudio_libs/<R-version>.

  • If you would like to run code developed in the RStudio Server application in batch jobs or from the command line, then please follow the Running code developed in the RStudio Server application section below.

Installing dependencies for RStudio Server#

As previously mentioned, the RStudio application is run from an Ubuntu container. More specifically, the application uses an Ubuntu container paired with a persistent overlay, which is unique to each user. For this reason, when installing a library via install.packages, you may receive an error because the container and overlay do not have a dependency required by the library. For example, let’s try to install the library XVector using the Bioconductor package manager BiocManager, using the below commands in the R command prompt.



If you are ever provided the prompt “Update all/some/none? [a/s/n]:”, always choose “n”. You will not be able to update the items because RStudio needs to be launched using a read only container, which cannot be modified. However, choosing the wrong option should not harm anything.

When the above lines are executed, we will eventually reach a state in the XVector install where we receive the following error.

This install failed because our container and overlay do not have zlib installed. To remedy this, we can install zlib by modifying our overlay. To do this, we must first completely close the RStudio session AND delete the job. This is necessary because our overlay cannot be changed if it is being used. Next, open up a terminal in Open OnDemand by selecting “Clusters” -> “Alpine Shell” from the top menu bar.

Next, start an interactive session on a compute node (here we start up an Alpine acompile session).

acompile --ntasks=4


If you do not install dependencies using the same cluster (Alpine or Blanca) that you initially launched the RStudio Server from, you may receive errors.

Once on a compute node, you can then modify the overlay by launching the overlay using fakeroot. To do this, first specify the version of R that you are using (here we use R version 4.4.1).

export r_app_version="4.4.1"

With the environment variable set, you can then utilize the below command to launch the container and associated overlay.

apptainer shell --fakeroot --bind /projects,$SCRATCHDIR,$CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD --overlay /projects/$USER/.rstudioserver/rstudio-${r_app_version}/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}_overlay.img $CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}.sif

You should now be in a terminal starting with Apptainer>. In this shell we can install anything using the standard Ubuntu package manager. Let’s go ahead and install zlib1g-dev, which will give us zlib.h.

apt-get update 
apt install zlib1g-dev

Once completed, the overlay will be updated and you can exit the shell and compute node by executing exit twice.


Now, we can startup a new Rstudio session and attempt the XVector install.


We should now see that the XVector install goes through!

Running code developed in the RStudio Server application#

As mentioned above, the RStudio Server application is held within a container. This means code utilizing packages installed within the container or custom container configurations may only work if the code is ran inside the container. Thus, users who want to run code developed in the RStudio Server application from the command line need to do this using Apptainer. Below we provide two methods that can be used once a user has access to a compute node:

  • To utilize R in an interactive session, first specify the version of R that you are using (here we use R version 4.4.1).

    export r_app_version="4.4.1"

    With the environment variable set, you can execute the following command to start the container.

    apptainer shell --bind /projects,$SCRATCHDIR,$CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD --overlay /projects/$USER/.rstudioserver/rstudio-${r_app_version}/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}_overlay.img:ro $CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}.sif

    You can then launch R and interact with it (you can also utilize Rscript here too).

    Apptainer> R
    > library(XVector)
  • To execute the script test_R.r without an interactive session, first specify the version of R that you are using (here we use R version 4.4.1).

    export r_app_version="4.4.1"

    With the environment variable set, you can then execute the following command.

    apptainer exec --bind /projects,$SCRATCHDIR,$CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD --overlay /projects/$USER/.rstudioserver/rstudio-${r_app_version}/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}_overlay.img:ro $CURC_CONTAINER_DIR_OOD/rstudio-server-${r_app_version}.sif Rscript test_R.r