We want to hear from you!#
User Feedback Form#
Feedback is essential to helping us enhance CURC services to better meet your needs. We encourage you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas about our HPC and Storage services using our feedback form. No suggestion or idea is too minor to share! Your responses are anonymous unless you provide identifying information.
CURC HPC and Storage Stakeholders#
CURC defines stakeholders loosely as any individual who is impacted by our systems and services and, therefore, has a “stake” in how we serve our user community. Stakeholders can be anyone- faculty, students, postdoctoral researchers, or staff- from CU Boulder, our partner institutions, or other RMACC institutions!
Stakeholder engagement is vital for ensuring that our storage and HPC resources meet the diverse needs of the research communities we serve. Whether you are an experienced user or just getting started with Alpine, Blanca, or PetaLibrary, we welcome you to participate as a stakeholder. Through quarterly review meetings with CURC staff, you’ll have new opportunities to provide feedback on current systems and services and influence future developments. Attendance at meetings is encouraged but optional. If you would like to be involved or learn more information, please email rc-help@colorado.edu.