Managing User Access with Grouper

Managing User Access with Grouper#

Adding Users#

AWS customers can add team members as Administrators to their AWS account. This is done using CU’s Grouper Tool. Note that changes can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.

  1. Navigate to the Grouper Group for your AWS Account using one of the following methods:

    Method 1: Use the direct link that was sent to you in your welcome email to go directly to the group you wish to administer, and login using your CU IdentiKey.

    Method 2: Go to the My Grouper Groups view in Grouper. Login using your CU IdentiKey. Filter for ‘AWS’ (if you can’t find your group easily). You will see a list of groups that you can administer. Select the Group for your AWS Account.

  2. In the ‘Members’ tab view, click the “Add members” button.

  3. In the ‘Member name or ID’ field, enter the user’s CU IdentiKey and select the matching entry.

  4. Click the ‘Add’ button.

  5. Verify the new user show up in the table.

Removing Users#

Users can be removed from accessing the AWS account by removing them from the Grouper Group.

  1. Login to the Grouper Group, as described above, using your CU IdentiKey.

  2. In the ‘Members’ tab view, place a ‘check’ next to the user(s), and click the ‘Remove selected members’ button.

  3. Verify the user(s) no longer appear in the table.