University of Utah videos

These videos were made by the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) at the University of Utah. These videos include information that is useful for CU Research Computing users, but some of the information is specific to resources at the University of Utah. If you are a CU Boulder user with questions about these videos, please contact

Introduction to Linux

This video provides an introduction to using Linux on a high-performance computing resource.

Introduction to CHPC Modules

This video demonstrates the use of modules on a CHPC resource. CHPC uses the Lmod system, which CU Research Computing also uses.

Slurm Basics

This video provides a description of the clusters, partitions and types of accounts available at CHPC. It also demonstrates use of the “squeue” and “srun” commands, as well as the use of the “sbatch” command to run a batch job.

Slurm Batch Scripting

This video provides information about the use of modules and the use of “sbatch” commands in Slurm Batch Scripting.

Slurm Interactive Jobs

This video demonstrates how to run interactive jobs and provides advice on how to determine whether an interactive job best meets your needs.